More Than Oils
By joining now, you will receive access doTERRA’s entire line of incredible products at wholesale prices (like a Costco membership). Please follow these steps to get the best deals:
1. Choose the country that you live in to receive your country's pricing.
2. You will be offered a choice between OTG (on the ground) or NFR (not for resale) crazy terminology! Select NFR - you can access supplements and a host of other products here. Membership is free with an enrolment kit or $35 USD for just the membership (its called an introductory pack)
3. You’ll be asked if you want to set up your wholesale membership or an LRP order if you choose to go the wholesale root. LRP is the smartest, least expensive way to shop. This is an order that you change up every month with ease…don’t worry I’ll hold you by the hand as you go through the learning curve!Start with getting your nutritional supplements. Nutrition is where health begins!
You're now ready to shop now for all of your products to lead your proactive healthstyle!